workin floor

The Cob Recipe:

50% to 85% sand
50% to 15% clay
minced straw

Cob is made from sand, clay, and straw. Every cob mixture is a little bit different, however, and you may vary the ratio of ingredients to suit what your soil naturally has in abundance. You'll want to get to know your soil and try out a few sample mixtures before you can come up with the right recipe for your land.

workin floor
Originally uploaded by taylorone.

cob chicken

Chickens were first domesticated in Asia about 8000 years ago. The average American eats about 80 pounds of chicken per year, which makes it by far the main source of animal protein in the American diet.

The polutry industry has created bottom-line driven factory farms where chickens live and die in terrible conditions. They're full of antibiotics and chemicals, and genetically engineered to grow artificially quick. The people who work in such factories also suffer terrible injuries in the attempt to keep up with speeded-up assembly lines.

cob chickn
Originally uploaded by taylorone.

purty burdy

This owl was found flying repeatedly into a glass wall outside of Ketchum, Idaho. I picked him up and gave him some water and stuff. He couldn't stand up at first, but he recovered quickly and was up and flying in no time at all. What a catch.

purty burdy
Originally uploaded by taylorone.